Chainalytics Labs Portfolios

We practice what we preach! Just as we offer you guidance and insights, we apply the same principles to our own strategies. As a member, you will receive emails showcasing the performance of our personal portfolios, meticulously built and optimized using the very same data-driven models we're sharing with you.


We began building our Chainalytics Labs Portfolios with a lump sum, on July 2022. We chose to start building our crypto portfolios at that date because it was the optimal time to buy according to our data-driven Crypto Market Phase Indicator, which you can now also use to know when to start building your own crypto portfolio.

We invested in BTC, ETH, and the 3 most undervalued blockchains at that time, according to the insights of our Example Portfolios. This is what our portfolios looked like initially:


Since then, we've been regularly rebalancing our Chainalytics Labs Portfolios every two months. This approach ensures that each portfolio remains aligned with its corresponding risk profile while also maximizing future profits. As a valued member of Chainalytics Labs, you'll also receive our Rebalancing Signals, providing you with valuable insights to inspire your own portfolio rebalancing decisions whenever we make ours.

How we take profits

Additionally, we've developed our data-driven Bitcoin Cycle Top Indicator to ensure optimal timing for selling bitcoin. As a premium member, you'll receive precise signals of when we plan to sell our Bitcoin, empowering you to leverage our insights in making your own informed decisions.

Our Portfolios’ performance so far